Wyoming's Premier Cigar Shop - Featuring the the largest selection of cigars for 1000 miles!
Gillette’s premier Cigar Shop and mobile cigar experience. With the largest selection of cigars in all of Wyoming, and for over 1000 miles! We offer something for everyone, from the cigar enthusiast to the novice alike.
We also offer a mobile cigar experience. We provide exceptional cigar events for private, corporate, community, family events and fund raising.
For other small businesses we also provide cigar distribution within the state of Wyoming.
We pride ourselves on our vast selection of quality cigars and knowledgeable tobacconists that can help you make your event or purchase a great experience.
Our store front is located at
1901 Energy Ct., Ste 115, Gillette, WY 82718
Shop hours-
Monday- Friday 10 am - 6 pm
Saturday 10 am - 4 pm
Closed Sundays
We can also open by appointment for your convenience- call